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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Vital 90
BioMatrix Product Information

Nutritional Facts

The Source of Life

BioMatrix is the most complete super food available today! Bio, meaning life, and Matrix, meaning womb is a unique formula designed to feed and give birth to the most essential form of life - the cell. By combining five powerful ingredients that synergistically work together, BioMatrix provides the highest quality, most economical and convenient product on the market.

This proprietary formula contains:
  • 200 mgs of Wild Blue Green Algae (Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae)
  • 113 mgs of Digestive Enzymes (3 different types of Protease, Invertase, CereCalase, Lipase, Glucoamylase, Phytase, Cellulase and Lactase)
  • 80 mgs of Probiotics (2 billion cfus of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum)
  • 32 mgs of FOS (fructooligosacharides)
  • 25 mgs of Curcumin (95% standardized extract of turmeric)


More than three billion years ago, primordial lakes formed on the surface of the earth and the first plant life developed. Delicate phyto cells sprouted without leaves, stems or flowers. Considered the first food, blue green algae are naturally chelated by the earth and water, making it the most bioavailable source of nutrition on the planet.

Algae's have been used for centuries by ancient cultures. Containing several dozen nutrients, they are considered by food experts as one of the most complete foods known. Especially high in amino acids (the building blocks of protein), an acre of algae contains twenty times more protein than an acre of soybeans or corn and pound for pound 200 times more than beef. Algae's are also extremely high in immune-boosting B-complex vitamins.

Modern research confirms ancient wisdom. In a double blind crossover study, ingestion of blue green algae was shown to trigger within 2 hours the migration of 40% of the natural killer (NK) cells present in the blood. NK cells are considered to be scavengers of virus-infected and cancerous cells. Through a process called apoptosis, they attack and destroy cells that are altered either due to viral infection or malignant transformation (see Kushak et al., "Favorable effect of blue-green algae Aphanixomenon flos-aquae on rat plasma lipids." JANA. January 2000, vol. 2 no. 3; 59-65.)

Wild crafted and organic, our algae is harvested raw and fresh, not frozen, therefore maintaining the integrity of the nutrients. Algae are filled with micronutrients, amino acids, essential fatty acids, active enzymes, trace minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. To the top

What happens to a piece of meat when exposed to 98-degree temperatures for one, two or three days? Well, of course it begins to rot and decay, becoming host to parasites, bacteria and other toxic and poisonous organisms. Unfortunately, undigested food that sits in our 98-degree gut for days on end has the same toxic effect on our bodies. Foods thought to be beneficial become poisonous.

Over the last 100 years, foods naturally high in enzymes have been treated with enzyme-destroying chemical preservatives and additives, making the foods we eat almost impossible to digest. There is a clear correlation between the consumption of quality food, our ability to digest it and our quality of life. One thing is certain, enzymes are essential to overall wellness.

There are three classes of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, which run our bodies; digestive enzymes, which digest our food; and food enzymes from raw foods, which start food digestion. Enzymes play a part in every function of our bodies. In short, enzymes run our bodies!

As we age, we produce fewer and fewer digestive enzymes. Without them, it wouldn't matter how much food we consumed, the nutrients would go unassimilated and our bodies would eventually suffer from malnutrition. Fortunately, nature provides an answer to this enzyme dilemma. Digestive enzymes can be extracted from plants.

BioMatrix contains a powerful blend of plant-derived digestive enzymes that assist the body in breaking down the foods that we eat. They are 100% aspergillus grown which means that they remain active in a broad range of ph (throughout the gut) unlike animal or fruit based enzymes.To the top

Bacteria! The word causes panic in most people. We live in a world where the fear of bacteria has created a genre of anti-bacterial products. From antibiotics to anti-bacterial hand soap, people can't stand the thought of bacteria. This mission to annihilate all bacteria has created a rising strain of microorganisms that are virtually resistant to anything and everything manmade. All the while, the destruction of natural and helpful forms of bacteria found in our body has a terrible consequence.

At any moment, we should have between 3-5 pounds of good bacteria in our intestinal system. These essential organisms help to clean out the gut, absorb nutrients, boost immunity, produce essential vitamins and much more. Without them, our bodies easily become host to other invading and destructive organisms such as candida yeast.

BioMatrix contains a super concentrated formulation of friendly bacteria. Each capsule contains 2 billion colony-forming units (cfus), a billion each of lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and bifidobacterium bifidum.

Fructooligosacharides, also known as prebiotics, are non-soluble plant fibers derived from chicory. They help the probiotics take hold in the gut more efficiently, while at the same time reduce the presence of harmful bacteria.
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Curcumin is a 95% standardized extract of turmeric. It consists of dried as well as fresh rhizomes of a plant known as Curcuma Longa. It has been used for centuries in the Indian traditional system of medicine, as a spice and a natural food color. Turmeric has traditionally been used internally as a stomach tonic and a blood purifier and externally for the treatment of skin diseases and wound healing.

Curcumin was added to BioMatrix because of its powerful anti-oxidant and immune-building properties. Curcuminoid, the active ingredient present in turmeric is responsible for the biological activities of turmeric. By fighting free radical formations in food and body tissues, Curcumin helps to retard various cardiovascular, viral and other chronic diseases by neutralizing existing free radicals.To the top

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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